====== Links to Nakamichi related sites ====== * [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nakamichi|Wikipedia]] * [[http://www.vintagecassette.com/Nakamichi|Vintage Cassette]] ====== Links to Naktalk members sites ====== * [[http://nakremotes.com/|Scott Johnson's website with Nak FAQ's and other useful information]] * [[http://www.angelfire.com/wi/blueswapper/bluesnak99.html|BleusNak Cyber Portal website; brochures, reviews, ZX-9 project, other Nak related information]] * [[http://naks.es/|Luis' site, useful info and home of his calibration tapes]] * [[http://www.nakamichi-schenk.nl/|Henk Schenk's website, useful repair information]] * [[http://www.ebaman.com/|Many Nakamichi and other manuals in .pdf files]] ====== Nakamichi repair ====== * [[http://www.bowersandwilkins.com/|Bowers & Wilkins UK, Ltd (Worthing, West Sussex UK)]] * [[http://www.eslabs.com/nakamichi.htm|Jeff Galin/Electronic Service Labs (Wethersfield, Connecticut USA)]] * Tom Brucker / Hi Tech Services (Nashville, TN USA) * Tom van der Hoff (Rotterdam, The Netherlands) * [[http://naks.es/services.html|Luis Peromarta / Peebles Engineering (Madrid, Spain)]] * [[http://willyhermannservices.com/|Willy Hermann (Orinda, CA USA)]] * Victor Gabrenas / VMG Electronics E-mail:gabrenas@math.utah.edu(Salt Lake City, UT USA) ====== Other vintage audio sites ====== * [[http://www.classic-audio.com/marantz/esotec.html|Marantz legendary audio classics website]] * [[http://www.angelfire.com/wi/blueswapper/bsmarantz.html|K.J. Bleus' Marantz Gear Showcase website]] * [[http://www.silverpioneer.netfirms.com/|Silver Pioneer Reference Site]] * [[http://www.mfbfreaks.nl/|MFB freaks]] * [[http://dual-reference.com/index.html|The Dual Reference Website]] * [[http://www.sansui.us/|The Best of SANSUI]] * [[http://www.jims-sae-site.com/index.htm|Jim's SAE Site]] * [[http://www.beocentral.com/|Beocentral]] * [[http://www.walkmancentral.com/|Walkman Central]] * [[http://www.revoxonline.ch/|Revox]]